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Activate your feminine wisdom
to unleash your power and
live a purpose filled life
Image by Kent Pilcher

Hi Beautiful, I'm Cree Anaiyah Cox

I am a guide for the sacred rebel and wild heart who knows she can't be tamed.

The woman who knows that she can not force herself into the mold of who society tells her she 'should' be and is no longer willing to lead her life with masculine energy.

The one who can not walk the path of conventionality, for she knows that the fire of passion and aliveness inside her would would dwindle into a small flame.

The woman who is too brave and bold to live in the confines of a mediocre life, because she KNOWS that she is here for more than that.

The one who lives an untethered existence, tethered only to the freedom of her own soul.

The woman who knows that she is not here to play by the rules, but rather, she is here to pave the way forward, living life on her terms, fully embodied in ALL of who she is.

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Sweet woman, I see you... I hear you... I feel you

No matter how brave and bold you may be, you are not meant to walk this path alone.

You know that you are powerful.  You aren't here to play small or live a life prescribed by someone else.  Try as you might, you simply can not do it.  You have to live life on your terms.

I am here to support you in creating a life of deep satisfaction and fulfillment so that you can experience true liberation and freedom, living the life that you know you're meant for.

You can experience a sense of ease, balance and harmony in your life in a way that works for you!

I want nothing more than to see you blossom and flourish as you activate your wild, feminine energy.

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"I had such a great time with Cree! After my session, I felt empowered to make clear, loving choices for myself. She is warm but direct and knowledgeable. I felt nurtured the whole way through. I also felt like I could just relax into our time together, while opening to receive some truly valuable guidance!"

-Sara Redman

I curate intentional spaces to nourish your whole woman self into being.  This is my purpose and woven into every single one of my offerings.

The foundation of everything I offer is rooted in activating your intuitive feminine wisdom through the path of cycle mastery.

Your menstrual cycle is your internal compass, guiding you home to a life of alignment, purpose, power and true feminine magnetism.

When you align your life with your cycle, you create a connection to your body, decrease stress and overwhelm and lead your life in a truly feminine way.


No more getting sidetracked by your hormones part way through the month and no more feeling like you’re crazy.

Your cycle is your north star - your internal compass, designed to guide you in living a purpose filled and soul aligned life.

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The Core Pillars of My Work
The Collective
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An exclusive membership space for women who desire to master their cycles, embody cyclical wisdom and lead their lives with their feminine energy.

Private Mentoring
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Receive practical, intuitive, heart-centered guidance to support you in cultivating the life you desire to live, filled with purpose and passion, with your cycle as your guide.

Arvigo® Therapy

A displaced uterus in the pelvic bowl can cause a variety of menstrual and hormonal imbalances.  Womb massage can help bring balance, support and alignment to your womb and life.

Shamanic Healing
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By removing negative energy, energy blocks or restoring lost soul pieces, healing can be experienced on many different levels that translate into tangible, physical changes.

What Women Are Saying

Working with Cree gave me a positive relationship with my cyclical nature.  Cree is an amazing listener and champion for the divine feminine.  I always left my sessions feeling like years of unnecessary mental & emotional baggage had been released.  I would recommend her to anyone seeking alignment with their masculine and feminine energies.

Angie Castle
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